HOLIDAY CLOSURE REMINDER: In observance of Martin Luther King Day, our office will be closed on Monday, January 20th. We will resume normal business hours Tuesday, January 14th at 8:00 a.m.

Stormwater Harvesting and Horizontal Wells

Horizontal Well 101

Storm water harvesting is new to our area, however it has been used very successfully in other parts of Florida for years. In essence, the horizontal well, typically an eight inch diameter recovery pipe, will be constructed adjacent to a storm water treatment pond at least ten feet below the pond bottom. Storm water is then drawn/filtered through high infiltration and or pollution control soils into a recovery pipe.

Water collected by the recovery pipe is then pumped into either our reclaimed water distribution system, or sent to one of our treatment plants for additional treatment. Note that the pumps will be designed to ensure the well does not withdraw enough water to harm the natural water level. The operation of these wells will have no adverse environmental impact. A simple sketch of a typical horizontal well:

Horizontal Well