A pre-design conference is encouraged to discuss the Authority’s
design standards and to incorporate any master planned elements. Upon completion of the design, submit 3 sets of dated plans, signed and sealed by a licensed engineer. Include a legal description of the property and a copy of the warranty deed. Also include the following completed forms:
All necessary information including the project plans shall be submitted to the Authority for review. If changes are required, a red-line markup set will be returned to you, and you will be asked to re-submit 3 corrected copies of signed, sealed, and dated plans. Upon approval of plans, the project engineer will receive a letter stating the Authority’s acceptance of the plans and specifications.
- Plats – Submit plats to the Authority for review prior to recording. Plats should reflect Authority and other utility easements, pump station sites, and other items required by the Authority. All plats should also include the Record Plat Language approved by Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. and the Authority.
- Easements – All design plans must include easements for the Authority’s utilities. See the Authority’s Standards for Utility Easements for detailed requirements.
- As-builts - All as-builts submitted to the Authority must be drawn in accordance with the Authority's As-built Specifications Standards Manual (See Downloadable Forms Below).
After the project is approved, the Authority will prepare a Developer Agreement, indicating all conditions and charges for service. Once the Agreement is signed and returned to the Authority, payment is received, and permits are issued, construction can begin.